As we begin our series for the month of June on personalities and how they relate to business, I want to share the 10 personality traits you need to start a business. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t have all ten of them.  I myself don’t and I share in today’s episode how to handle that as well.

The 10 Personality Traits You Need to Start a Business

10 Personality Traits:

Again, I just want to reiterate that these personality traits are just my personal opinion of traits that I have seen to be helpful over my 13 years in business.  Do not be discouraged if you find that you do not have all of these traits, I personally do not have all of them myself.  I have just found these to be useful when you are starting a business or are running a business.  It is so much more than personality that helps you start a business.

  1. Discipline – This will keep you going when you want t quit and will help you from getting distracted when you are working on things that must get done.
  2. Determination – See your failures as another opportunity for success.
  3. Confidence – Confidence will help you to look challenges in the face (no matter how big or small) and meet them head-on.  Believing in yourself helps you to conquer any challenges that come up in business.
  4. Bravery – If you look at any successful entrepreneur you’ll see that they took risks to get to where they are at.  There is no “overnight success”.  We see the success but we do not see the “failures” it took for them to gain that success.
  5. Passion – You cannot only be passionate about making money.  You have to love and be passionate about what you are doing to be successful.  If you aren’t, the hard work you must put in along with the added stress will cause you to give up.
  6. Work Ethic – You have to have the desire to work and an understanding of what it takes to build a successful business.
  7. Competitiveness – In order to be the best you must know and believe that you can do it.  You must be willing to go the extra mile.
  8. Honesty – People respect honesty more than anything else because they will know that they are able to trust you and that you will follow through on what you say no matter if it is helpful to your business or not.
  9. Creativity- You have to think outside the box and find different ways to do things in order to get the results you are looking for while also making things easier and saving time.
  10. Flexibility

I hope that you find this informative and helpful and informative.  I am really looking forward to sharing my knowledge about the topic for this month.


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The 10 Personality Traits You Need to Start a Business