One of the reasons that I love LinkedIn as a social media platform so much is that it is the perfect social media platform for optimizing to get more clients.  You may be wondering why I think so.  Here’s why:

LinkedIn is more career-oriented, less cluttered and is a platform where you can truly get noticed.  There are several things that you need in order to optimize LinkedIn and make it work for you.  These three things include:

  • and awesome LinkedIn profile.
  • utilizing SEO on your profile.
  • using networking.

There are several things that will help you to make your LinkedIn profile awesome.  These things are filling out your profile entirely, creating a winning summary and getting recommendations from others.

A winning summary will include several sections that you will want to share about yourself on your LinkedIn profile.  These areas include Who I Am, What I Do,  a List of my Skills, a link to my website.

You can do a quick search on LinkedIn to see what the top profiles of others in your career look like.  For example, the top virtual assistant profiles can be found here:

Once you do this you will want to begin networking by first making connections.  You can do a quick search in LinkedIn of those in your target market and asking them to connect.  Once you have made those connections you will want to give and request recommendations.  Recommendations are perfect social proof right on your LinkedIn profile to others that you are an expert in your field.

Another way to get networking is to join groups in your target market.  Browse the groups and also look at which groups others in your field are a part of and join those.  Once you are in the groups you will want to share information that will position you as an expert.

If you would like to learn more about optimizing your LinkedIn profile I would like to invite you to join the 7 Day LinkedIn Challenge.  You can join at any time and work through it at your own pace.


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