In this episode of the Christian Business Advantage podcast, I welcome business coach and marketing strategist, Theresa Taylor, to discuss social media strategies to finish the year strong in quarter four! Theresa specializes in helping women simplify their business strategies to boost income without feeling overwhelmed. She stresses the importance of focusing on one social media platform at a time, rather than spreading yourself thin across multiple platforms, which can be both time-consuming and less effective.

Our conversation highlights key strategies for social media success, such as mastering mundane tasks like audience growth and lead generation. Theresa shares her insights on the importance of building an engaged community, especially using Facebook groups, and explains how to use events as a tool to attract the right audience and drive engagement. She encourages listeners to be consistent in lead generation, content creation, and sales efforts, suggesting that business owners plan two events—one for November and one for December—to stay focused on year-end goals and finish strong!

Social Media Strategies to Finish the Year Strong

I have been in a program with Theresa Taylor for the last couple of months, and it’s been such a joy and a privilege to get to know her and to learn from her.

I want her to tell you about who she is and what she does. She is going to help us learn how we can strategize and use social media to finish out our year!

Theresa: Awesome! Thank you so much for having me. I’m super excited to be here. My name is Theresa Taylor and I’m a business coach and marketing strategist. So basically, what I do is help women to make income by simplifying.

Strategize and Simplify Your Social Media Strategies to Finish the Year Strong

Theresa: A lot of women get into business and they see people having their websites set up and their email and marketing is in check and all these things.

We get bogged down by all the things that we think we have to do. In actuality, to make money and get started in business we don’t have to have everything set up from the get go. That’s one of the things that I love to do is to help women to really strategize and to simplify so that they can do less work, start making the income, and are aligned in all areas of life, including faith and business.

Alyssa: That’s what I love so much about your program and the things that I’ve learned from you.

Theresa has a free Facebook group, that’s how I found her. It’s called Productive & Profitable. If you search for that, you’ll find it.

I was in that group for a really long time before I realized exactly what she was offering. If you’re like me, you’re in a lot of Facebook groups, but hers began to stand out.

Focus on One Social Media Platform

Alyssa: I began to focus more in my business on Facebook. One of the things that Theresa has taught me is simplifying and focusing in on one social media platform. To those who are listening to my podcast, which are mostly Christian authors, speakers, coaches, and some virtual assistants, I want you to share with them where you’re coming from on that, because I feel like a lot of them get very overwhelmed with having to be in all the places.

What’s some advice you would give them about using social media in their business as we finish out the year?

Theresa: I am a firm believer that one platform is the best thing to focus on until you have really learned the platform. Or until you get to a place in business where you can hire additional help to start working on another platform.

Now, the reason for this is because platforms take know-how, right? You have to understand the algorithm on the platform that you’re working on. And every single platform has a specific algorithm.

A lot of people think that I can just post here and then I can link Instagram and Facebook accounts together. That’s great, but what’s the purpose of it, right?

In order to actually grow both your Instagram and Facebook following, you have to spend time on that specific platform, that app, and grow the audience. If you are not being active on both of those accounts, then you’re not going to grow your audience and doing it on two accounts is really tough.

I want to tell you, one of the things that sets people apart from having success or not having success in their business is that they have learned to master the mundane tasks. And those mundane tasks are the things that we know we have to do every single day in our business.

But many of us don’t. Part of that is because it takes time and it’s not super fun.

One of those tasks is audience growth, lead generation and so doing that on one platform really well will take time. If we’re trying to grow two platforms or three platforms, suddenly we’re going to have to duplicate that time on each platform.

Most people that I know do not have the time for that when they’re starting in business. It’s not until they start growing a team or they have been on a platform for a year or longer and have really learned how to effectively grow their business on that platform. Then they can take that and duplicate it on another platform making tweaks here and there. But in order to be effective, even on that first platform, they still have to continue that audience growth over there.

Choose and Learn It Well

Theresa: My advice is choose one platform and learn it really well. The platform you choose, it’s completely up to you.

I believe that your audience is pretty much everywhere. It’s more, what are you drawn to? If you want long-term content and you love doing videos, then YouTube is probably a great place, especially if you do tutorials or trainings.

If you like to have guests on, if you like to be very specific and you can talk about things without having to show them, a podcast would be a great place.

But for most people, I think the best and quickest way to grow your audience and then grow your business is to do it using social media like Instagram, TikTok, or Facebook.

Facebook is phenomenal. It is still the number one social media app. And part of the reason for that is because of Facebook community. So it’s cool that you said that you found me through my Facebook community. When we learn how to build an incredible community, that will grow with the right people.

Imagine if you were spending your time, your lead generation, audience building and nurturing time on one platform inside of your own community that has been growing with the right people. Suddenly you’re using your time really well.

Alyssa: Right? Because that’s what’s helped me the most, and I think will help the listeners, is finding that tribe or group of people and beginning to expand.

I felt like I was in the right circles before I met you, but I wasn’t able to expand that circle very well. And I wasn’t. One thing, I was on all the platforms.

But now I’m focused more on one platform. For me, that is Facebook. I have a Facebook group that I’m growing and it’s got the same name as the podcast, the Christian Business Advantage. What I’ve been able to do is expand my circle. Being very strategic and spending time on those mundane tasks has allowed me to do that.

Is there a little tip or strategy that you could give our listeners about what they could tweak if they were going to use Facebook for their main platform?

Theresa: I’ll say the main three things we need to be focusing on every day is we show up for our business, lead generation. Meeting as many of the right people as possible and telling them what we do through our content, whether that’s written content or video content. The third thing is to sell, to make offers or invite people into the next step.

So whether that is your sales link or a sales call, or, just a conversation inside Messenger, we should be doing that every single day. Regardless of the platform you choose, a really great place to start is ask, How can I do these three things on the platform that I’m at?

If you’re not doing all three consistently, your business will not grow. It might stay stagnant for a while, but then it might likely start dropping off. What it’s not going to do is grow. So we want to have those three things in place.

Lead Generation on Facebook

Theresa: One of the biggest things that women I work with have trouble doing is lead generation.

It goes back to doing the tasks that you know you need to do, but you don’t like doing, and so you keep putting it off. For lead generation on Facebook, using Facebook groups are really important. If you ask just about every person who has a business what the lead generation process they use is, the majority of them will tell you Facebook groups.

When we’re talking about organic lead generation, we’re not talking about ads. It’s not just joining a group that your ideal client might be in. You want to be so specific with the groups that you’re in, and it takes time. Not everybody is willing to put in the time it takes to find a group and this will take hours!

So schedule onto our calendar two hours this week and maybe two hours next week. If our goal is to find 30 groups like that, it would be amazing because you could go in each group once a day and do some lead generation, nurturing and meeting people there.

There’s lots of different ways to do that inside of the group. But finding the right group is so important.

Define the Ideal Client

Theresa: The suggestion I have for you is to think of who your ideal client is. In one column, think of all the words that she would describe herself as. In the other column list out all of the outcomes – the results that she’s really wanting in her life.

Let’s say a fitness coach, right? You don’t want to just join a whole bunch of fitness groups. If your ideal client is a woman, let’s be more specific. Is she a mom? Would she define herself as a mom? Then we’d write that down in one column.

Would she be a homeschooling mom? Would she be a work from home mom? What are all the things that she would use to describe herself. Then in the next column, What are some specific results that she wants Maybe to have a bikini body by summer. That’s very different than losing weight.

When you have both lists, it’s just a simple search bar like the search bar in Facebook and combining those two things. Christian mom, bikini body. Okay. Put that in the search bar and see what pops up.

If you have a list of all the things that she defines herself as and a list of all the different results that she is looking for in her life, in this particular moment, combine those all into the search bar.

Alyssa: It’s like taking it from this big chunk and then narrowing it down to very specific.

When I did this process, because this is something I learned through Teresa’s program, I realized that, oh, I’m in all the groups. I’m in all the Christian author groups or Christian coach groups.

But when you start doing this process, you realize that you’re not, and there is a whole population of people out there that you’ve not tapped into before. So to me, it was very eye-opening.

I’ve struggled with the strategy piece for a long time. I said this on one of the previous episodes that I just did. My marketing was throwing spaghetti at the wall just to see what would stick. Over the years I’ve gotten better, but this made it really niche down and really strategic. That was what I needed to be more strategic because yes, it takes time, but the results are better than throwing the spaghetti at the wall!

If you were going to tell the listeners the one thing that they can do this week to help them create a plan for their social media to help finish the year strong, what would that be?

Plan an Event

Theresa: I say an event, choose an event.

Events are so key. Events are so great, not just because we want people to come to an event and see you.

The event is a strategic tool. It’s like having a lead magnet or a freebie except it’s bigger and better and bolder, and it’s reusable content that you can direct people to over time.

If you think, What are a couple of things that are happening this fall? We have November, right? So we have all of Thanksgiving and being thankful and grateful and all the things that are around that. We have the winter holiday seasons coming up. We have Christmas and and Hanukkah.

We have these bigger events coming. There might be some local events that are happening in your area. For instance, I’m in Alaska and we just got what’s known as the permanent fund dividend. Took me a minute to think of that. Some families have some additional income coming in right now.

So we plan ahead for these bigger things that we can create events around.

The event is key because you get to cater all of your content around the topic of the event, with the Call to Action to always be an RSVP if you want more details.

You get to start conversations with people around the topic before the event even happens.

Most people, by the way, are not going to come to the event. What we’re looking for is to just start conversations around that topic because the topic should be directly related to your offer. It should be a no brainer that those two go together.

Whatever your event is, it needs to be tied to your offer, so that becomes the next logical step.

When you are starting conversations around the topic of the event, it’s as simple as, How is this going for you right now? Are you looking for help with this? Are you open to a call? It can be as simple as that.

When the event ends, it’s not the end, especially if you do it on Facebook. You get to have an RSVP event on Facebook. Whether or not they attend the event, they are still interested in that topic!

Have conversations with those people and use the event as a reach out. Hey, I saw that you RSVP’ed. Don’t know if you’re able to make it, but want to make sure you have that information. And Oh, by the way, how is this topic going for you right now? So you’re always engaging them around the topic of the event.

And of course, telling them what you do and making those offers. We come back down to those: What are the three things that we can do for our business every day?

Schedule Two Events

Theresa: If you were to do one thing for your business today, I would say schedule two events. Schedule one for November and one for December.

Give yourself two weeks of marketing ahead of time, making sure that your outcome for every piece of content you put out is focused on that event and starting conversations. Your pipeline is going to be full. You are going to have a lot of people that you are starting conversations with. Who doesn’t want that, right?

Alyssa: Yeah, exactly. And the ladies and gentlemen that are in my group, they all have unique missions and callings. So everything that you just said, they can create an event that’s unique to them, and create a funnel to their books.

There’s opportunities to speak on their coaching programs. And I think that they can implement this immediately and get started growing their groups, as well as their pipeline of people, even if they don’t have a Facebook group themselves.

Theresa: The other thing I want to say, because some people get hung up when they’re thinking of groups, is they think that they have to wait until the event to sell. But the purpose of having the event is to just start the conversations. That’s the whole purpose of the event.

When you get to start conversations with people, especially if you have a sales link, you don’t have to make them wait two weeks for the event. You can say, Oh my goodness, this book that I just wrote or whatever I have, is totally for you. You need to go check it out and grab it right now.

Alyssa: People, a lot of times like you’re saying, they don’t come to the event. You’ve lost that opportunity if you didn’t go ahead and tell them about it during that conversation with them.

That’s a wonderful point to make because a lot of times, we do wait till the event. But we can use that time when we’re promoting the event to get to know these people that are coming into our pipeline and to have those conversations. It really is about communication and community and conversations.

I think they’re the key things that you have shared with us today!

So I want to say thank you. I’m thrilled to share you with my audience as my coach right now and hope that this has been helpful for them!

If they wanted to find you on social media, how can they find you?

Theresa: You could go to Productive & Profitable. It will probably be the first group. The last part of that is: Consistent 5K Months for God-Led Entrepreneurs. The group is about making sure we have the baseline of being able to make consistent 5K months so that we are set to scale. Productive & Profitable is the group, and then you could also go to our YouTube channel which has an incredible video podcast on there. You can go to productiveandprofitable. biz and that will take you directly there.

Alyssa: Awesome. Thank you so much, Theresa, for your time today.

Theresa: Thank you. It’s been an absolute pleasure. I loved it. It was fun.

Questions? Join the Group!

If you have specific questions about hosting a virtual summit, I’d love to get those because that would help me to make sure that I’m covering everything that you’re interested in knowing during this series on the podcast. You can submit your questions inside The Christian Business Advantage Facebook group. I look forward to seeing you there!

Social Media Strategies to Finish the Year Strong

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