I have an old friend and business coach who has talked about posting her 2021 year in review today on her blog. I thought it sounded like a great idea. So, I’m doing so as well. 2021 was actually a strong year for my business. I was blessed in 2020 to be in an industry that was not negatively impacted by the pandemic. In fact, in 2020 many employees and business owners as well began to do what I’d already been doing for over a decade, work from home. I have known about and used tools like Zoom for years, and now they are commonplace in our world.
I am blessed to have worked from home running this Virtual Assistant business for years. In fact, I celebrated 14 years in October of 2021. I am able to work from home and raise my children. It has allowed me to help provide financially for our family.
Now on to the recap of this year. At the beginning of 2021, I was still running the Christian Business Advantage Virtual Assistant Directory that I launched in February of 2020. I really enjoyed this project but found that I was having a difficult time keeping up with it, the training I was creating, and my client work. Therefore in August of 2021, I closed the directory.
Though I didn’t meet all of my goals for 2021 I did make progress. My business coach Christa Hutchins encouraged me to celebrate my progress.
One of those goals was to be a guest on one podcast a month every month of 2021. I was able to be a guest on 7 podcasts.
Another goal of mine was a monetary goal for the year and though I won’t share the exact number. I missed my goal by $405.
August of 2021 marked the 1 year anniversary of my Virtual Assistant Advantage Podcast. This year I recorded 43 podcast episodes and celebrated over 7000 downloads.
One of my favorite projects in my business over the years has been to help train other women to become Virtual Assistants. I’ve done this a couple of ways over the years, but the way this started was when I started an internship program in 2011. This year I have had 2 interns, Sherie and Victoria who have been a huge blessing to my business. I am so grateful for the opportunity to work with them.
The final project that I began work on in 2021 is a rebrand for my training. I have attempted for years to combine this website for my Virtual Assistant business with my training business for an aspiring, newbie, and struggling virtual assistants. It has been difficult to share about both on this one website so at the end of 2021, I began building a new website for the purpose of sharing getting started information with an aspiring, newbie, and struggling Virtual assistants. It is located at VirtualAssistantAdvantage.com. This will be the new home for my podcast, The Virtual Assistant Advantage, and all free and paid training in the future including the Become a Virtual Assistant Course.
The website you are on now AlyssaAvantandCompany.com will remain for the sole purpose of sharing my Virtual Assistant services with the Authors, Speakers, and Coaches that I serve.