Today we are continuing our series on newsletters and email marketing tips with an episode entitled, “But First, Lead Magnet.” If you do not currently have a lead magnet and you are wanting to start and build an email list, then you will need to create a lead magnet. Sometimes lead magnets are known as a free gift or a “freebie”. Today we are going to dive into exactly what a lead magnet is and what you need to know to create one. When creating a lead magnet, you need to know five main things.


But First, A Lead Magnet

You need to know who your audience is. 

  • Who are you speaking to? 
  • What does that person in your audience want to do? 
  • Is there a goal that they want to reach? Is there a pain point they need to solve? 
  • And how can you help them reach their goal or solve their problem?   

This is where your lead magnet comes in.

When you create a lead magnet, you want to focus on what you are trying to help your reader achieve—what result this lead magnet can bring to them—and you only want to address one problem with your lead magnet. The lead magnet’s goal is to help the reader understand how you can help them and to point them in the direction of what you can sell them. You want to create something simple. There are tons of lead magnet ideas, but you want to start with something simple like a PDF. Some ideas for a lead magnet include a checklist, an ebook, a guide, a quiz, a video or audio, a guide, a challenge, a worksheet, a training, or a coupon code. 

When you are creating your lead magnet, you want to make sure to make it look professional. One of my favorite tools for creating a lead magnet is Canva. Canva allows you to use templates and will give you a base to start with and then you can go in and put in your information and make it your own. You always want to use your brand’s colors. Put those on your lead magnet. Use your signature. A written signature works better than a typed signature. Put your face in the “About the Author” section. Make a good title for your lead magnet. You want it to describe the results that the person will receive by using your lead magnet. You want the lead magnet to show them that it will be worth their while.

My newest lead magnet is called “How to Effectively Market With Email.” It is a “how to” guide. It is 26 pages long. It will help you learn to market using email. You can tell by the title what you are getting by downloading this ebook.

I have several clients who have a quiz on their website. One of those is Susan Neal. She has a Gluten Intolerance quiz. The quiz helps you figure out if you have a Gluten Intolerance. You can find her quiz at if you want to see what a quiz is like when used as a lead magnet. 

Now, lead magnets are super important, but they are not going to stand alone. Lead magnets need some other pieces with them to make them work. One of which is a landing page. You can use your website or an email service provider, such as MailChimp, MailerLite, Active Campaign, or Convert Kit, to create a landing page. The landing page gives the reader a place to give you their name and email address in exchange for your lead magnet. A welcome email will deliver that lead magnet to their inbox. The great thing about using an email service provider is that most of them have autoresponders. This allows the lead magnet to be delivered to the person no matter what time of day they sign up. It will also add that person to your list.

You need a welcome email. The welcome email can be super simple. It just welcomes the person and lets them know where to go to get their free lead magnet. I also like to let them know in that email that they will be receiving more emails from me, so that it doesn’t take them by surprise.

Next week, we will be talking about what happens after the lead magnet. That post is called “Don’t Forget a Nurture Sequence.” Because that is the next step to take. I will share with you what a nurture sequence is and how to create one in next week’s post.

If you have any questions about lead magnets or anything else about email marketing, feel free to reach out to me at


I have a Facebook group for Christian authors, speakers, and coaches. It’s called The Christian Business Advantage, and each month I do a FREE training around the third Thursday of each month. Please come join our group, and you will learn tips and tricks for your business.


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